How it works

How Te Haerenga o Ngā Tamariki tool works

Find out how your students travel to school. Start collecting your data with our simple online tool.

Frequently asked questions

How do I get started?

This tool is freely available for all schools in Wellington region to collect student travel data. To get started, please signup via the login page.

Te Haerenga o ngā Tamariki was previously developed and trialled by NZTA.  In partnership with Greater Wellington, we have trialed Te Haerenga o ngā Tamariki as part of the Movin’March programme.

Contact or your local council to find out what local initiatives might complement its use or if you’re in the Wellington region see Movin’March for more information. 

School Travel — Movin'March (

For a guide on how to use this tool in class, see the Kura Kete resource.

How do I access my datasets?

You can still login to access your data and view your dashboard at any time.

What do I do if I forgot my login details?

You can reset your email address by clicking on the ‘reset your password’ link below, or change your password once you’re logged in.

Reset your password

Is the data safe and anonymous?

Yes. Absolutely. No personal information is stored about individual students and the website and application are secure. It is not possible to identify individuals based on the data captured in the application.


What is a dataset?

A dataset is a collection of data. You can custom create your own dataset by entering the number of students you have, for example: in your own class, or perhaps your syndicateA teacher or staff member can custom create datasets. As an example, a dataset could be created per classroom, or year level. Every set of data is displayed as a graph and can be downloaded as a CSV file.

How do I download the data?

You can download the data from any dataset by clicking on the ‘options’ menu for a dataset, then selecting ‘Manage data’. This will take you to a screen where you can select the data you want, then click on the ‘Export to csv’ data. By default, this exports all the data in the dataset to a CSV file. You can open CSV files in Microsoft Excel if you’d like to create more detailed graphs or work with your students.


How do I view the data with my class?

Once your students have entered data into a dataset, you can view a graph of the data. You can find the link to view the graph on your dashboard. You can share that link with your students (or anyone) so they can also view the graph. They cannot change the data in the graph, but they can change the date range to see travel data from different days.

What is a ‘custom mode’?

A travel mode is a way that students get to school. By default, we include: walk, bike, scooter, skateboard/rollerblade, bus, private vehicle and train. A custom mode allowed you to capture another way of getting to school, e.g., e-bike, ferry, or walking school bus.

Can I change the type of graphs used?

Currently the data can only be displayed as a bar graph. However, if you want to do something specific with the data you can always download it. If you have any suggestions for how you would like the graphs displayed in the future, let us know.

How do I change the name or title of my graph and dataset?

You can change information about a dataset from your Dashboard by clicking on the ‘options’ menu for a dataset and selecting ‘Change settings’. This will then allow you to edit certain information about your dataset. However, this will not allow you to edit any details that affect the data itself, such as changing the travel modes in the dataset.

Can I move data from one dataset to another?

This tool does not currently allow for this. However, you can always download your data and do this manually in a spreadsheet.

Can I share links to the tool outside of the school?

You can share graph links outside the school without people being able to enter data. This way you can share externally the results of your school travel initiative, such as with parents or the wider community.

How many students or classrooms can I use this tool with?

There is no limit to the number of datasets you create. Each dataset has a collection screen (where students enter data) and a graph screen (where you can see the data that’s been entered).

Therefore, you can use this tool with as many students or classrooms as you want. However, we do recommended that you split your data up into more manageable datasets while using it, such as classrooms. For example, instead of capturing 300 students for a whole school in a single dataset, you might like to set up 10 datasets (one for each classroom).

Because each student enters their own data on a device, it’s helpful to think about how many devices you have and how they are accessed. Similarly, if you’re also using the data for teaching, it might be nice to have a smaller dataset more relevant to your students.

When should I collect data with my class?

You can collect travel data as often as you like. For example, you could set up one dataset for your class and capture travel data every morning for a week, or for a month, or longer. It’s up to you. You don’t have to set up a dataset every day.

Do I have to teach my students how to use the tool?

No. We have done extensive user-testing with school children and we are confident that nearly any child can use the data entry screen. That said, for the youngest children who can’t read, they may need guidance to know they are being asked “How did you get to school today?”. That guidance could come from a teacher or an older student.

Does the data have to be accurate?

There is no validation of the data – nobody checks to find out if your student really did walk or take a car, so we rely on students accurately recording how they got to school. The more accurate the data, the better. However, we understand that in a class full of students there will be mistakes! A few is not a problem, but if there are any major mistakes (for example a single student enters how they got to school many times in a single day) you can always delete the data or contact us and we’ll sort it out.

How do I stop students from entering incorrect data?

In our testing, we’ve seen no issues with students getting the data wrong, but sometimes in a classroom it can be hard to get everyone to enter their data accurately. One way of ensuring students enter the right data is designating a few responsible students to go around the class with a single device and collect everyone's data. How you use the tool is up to you and what works best in your class.

Is it OK to use the tool to collect different data?

This tool is designed specifically for collecting anonymous data on how students get to school. If you plan on using it for any other reason, when you are creating a dataset you can indicate that you are not collecting this travel data and select the option: “The data will not show how my students travel to school.”

Is the data safe and anonymous?

Yes. Absolutely. No personal information is stored about individual students and the website and application are secure. It is not possible to identify individuals based on the data captured in the application.

What do I do if I forget my login details?

You can reset your email address by clicking on the ‘reset your password’ link below, or change your password once you’re logged in. If neither of these work you can contact us and we’ll sort it out.

Reset your password

What if my graph is wrong?

The graph records the different ways students travel to school. Some students might take more than one ‘mode’ in a single trip – for example, they might catch a bus and walk. This would count as two modes and means that the number of ‘modes’ can be greater than the number of trips. This can seem confusing and strange at first – but it’s a great teaching opportunity! Of course, if something else seems to be wrong with your graph do contact us.

Do I need parental consent before using this tool?

No. As no personal information is captured about your students, this is not necessary – however, you may wish to review your school’s technology policies and informing parents of the program is wise.

Can I share links to the tool outside of the school?

As this is a trial, please do not share outside of your school. The data collection screen is designed and intended specifically for students to complete at school. However, you can share graph links outside the school without people being able to enter data. This way you can keep parents up to date on the programme, or let the wider community know how your students are travelling to school.

Can I change the type of graphs used?

Currently the data can only be displayed as a bar graph. However if you want to do something specific with the data you can always download it. If you have any suggestions for how you would like the graphs displayed in the future, let us know.

What is a ‘custom mode’?

A travel mode is a way that students get to school. By default, we include: walk, bike, scooter, skateboard/rollerblade, bus, a vehicle and a train. You can turn off modes that are not applicable to your school. You can also add a ‘custom mode’ – for example, your school might live near a ferry so you might like to add ‘ferry’ to the list. By adding a custom mode you can capture another way of getting to school.

Can I add more than one custom mode?

At this point in time, you can only add one custom mode. If you want to provide an option all students can use, you could make the custom mode label ‘other’.

Why can’t I change the modes in my dataset?

Once you have chosen the travel modes for a dataset, they are fixed and can’t be changed. This is so the dataset is consistent and can be displayed properly. If you want to change your modes, you will have to make a new dataset.

Can I move data from one dataset to another?

This tool does not allow for this at the moment. However, you can always download your data and do this manually in a spreadsheet.

How do I retrieve data or datasets that I have deleted?

Once deleted, data and datasets cannot be retrieved. However, if this is urgent, contact us and we may be able to help find your data – but we can’t guarantee it can be retrieved.

What do I do if a student enters inaccurate data?

The more accurate the data the better, but we understand that in a class full of students there will be mistakes! A few is not problem, but if there are any major mistakes (eg a students enters how they got to school many times in one day) you can delete data or contact us and we may be able to help.

What is a dataset?

A dataset refers to a set of data. Every set of data is displayed as a graph, and can be downloaded as a CSV file. You can have as many or few students in a dataset. You can have as many datasets as you like. You can collect data in a dataset for as long as you like. To help you and your students enter and use the right data, it’s a good idea to give each dataset a relevant name (eg Room 9).

How do I view the data with my class?

Once your students have entered data into a dataset, you can view a graph of the data. You can find the link to view the graph on your dashboard. You can share that link with your students (or anyone) so they can also view the graph. They cannot change the data in the graph, but they can change the date range to see travel data from different days.

How do I change the name or title of my graph and dataset?

You can change information about a dataset from your Dashboard by clicking on the ‘options’ menu for a dataset and selecting ‘Change settings’. This will then allow you to edit certain information about your dataset. However, this will not allow you to edit any details that affect the data itself, such as changing the travel modes in the dataset.

How do I download the data?

You can download the data from any dataset by clicking on the ‘options’ menu for a dataset, then selecting ‘Manage data’. This will take you to a screen where you can select the data you want, then click on the ‘Export to csv’ data. By default, this exports all the data in the dataset to a CSV file. You can open CSV files in Microsoft Excel if you’d like to create more detailed graphs or work with your students.

Do I have to be a teacher to sign up?

No, but the tool is designed for teachers to use with their students. However, you do have to be a representative from the school that you are signing up.

Can I record more than one travel mode per trip?

Yes. Some students come to school using more than one way. For example, they might be driven some of the way, and walk some of the way. A student can select all the modes they used in their trip to school, then enter the data by pushing the enter arrow. This will add to the count of modes shown in the graph. This means that on the graph, the number of modes used could be higher than the trips recorded (because you can use more than one mode in a single trip).

Can I go back (or forward) in time to enter data on a different day?

No. At this stage, your students can only enter data on the day they travelled to school (you can’t go back and pick up missed days). This is to keep the tool as simple as possible (and because it can be hard for young children to remember how they got to school on previous days!) If your students miss a day, don’t worry about it. Just keep calm and carry on.