
Te Haerenga o Ngā Tamariki
The journey of the children

How do your students travel to school?

By using this online tool, you can help provide the data needed to make informed decisions when improving road safety, planning for accessibility, and creating healthier school journeys. It can be used as a standalone tool, or as part of a wider school travel project in a school. The tool can also be used as a learning tool in the classroom. The data is completely anonymous and secure. There is no way of identifying individual children and how they get to school.

Why collect school travel data?

Collecting good quality data on how children get to school is important. First, it can help evaluate the effectiveness of school travel programs, by collecting data before and after changes are made. By understanding how kids commute to school, we can identify areas where improvements are needed and make informed decisions.

Additionally, data on school travel can be a powerful tool for storytelling. It provides a factual basis for discussing the importance of safe, accessible, and sustainable transportation options for children, which can be used to advocate for positive changes in the school community.


Picture of graph created by tool

Useful data for your school

Once you have collected the travel data, you can view bar graphs on screen or download a .CSV file for more detailed analysis. You can use the data for teaching in the classroom, or to help your school understand travel behaviour. The data also helps Greater Wellington understand travel behaviour around schools.